Hailey has been counting the days until she goes to school and might I add, she has never...EVER...had any issues with seperation anxiety, so I knew she would be fine...as for me, I wasn't so sure. But, after Back to School Night, watching Hailey's excitement helped me realize that she is so ready for school and how proud I was of her. She is my independent girl!
She wanted to pick out her own clothes, brush her own hair...and even put a little lip gloss on. She was all about purple because, she figured it might just be her teacher's favorite color...
We arrived Tues. night, Aug 21, 2012 to Back to School Night and listened to all the questions as they went over the handbook. Hailey was so excited to see her teacher again and snuck a hug from her before everything got started. Apparrently, she made an impression with all of the teachers and principal with her "good taste" of clothes and everyone's favorite color..purple! She was right!
While the parents stayed behind, the kindergarteners went to their classroom to find out more about what they will be learning this year, as well as getting familiar with their classmates, room and seeing the decor.
We all met in the classroom and loved Hailey's amazement...with eyes & mouth opened wide, she looked at the desks and said, "Mom! Look! That's my name!"
After explaining the whole "name tag"..."structured"..."organizational" thing and reiterating why, at home, I keep saying..."everything has to have a place, or else, it will have a place at the Goodwill"... she found her name on the wall too, with the same..."Mom! Look! There's my name again!"
It was a long night and Hailey didn't want to leave the school. But, I must say, our first day went very smooth...Hailey woke up 10mins before she had to, and was ready to go! Her teacher, Mrs. St. Clair even posed for a pic when I dropped her off!
Lindsey was dazed & confused...poor thing! It was definitely too early for her and she didn't like the fact we dropped Hailey off somewhere different and left without her. Lindsey was so tired, but didn't cry. She just kept saying, "Where's Hailey?" and "I go Hailey's cool too!" and "go get Hailey?"
You want to know what the BEST part of my day was?!?!?
Yep, picking up my sweet Hailey up and listening all about her 1st day!
She had so much fun playing on the playground, learning, working ABC puzzles, coloring etc, etc. She even said, "Mommy, you were right!"...I love hearing that. After this morning's discussion, reinforcing manners, obedience & only speaking when called on after raising of the hand...she was so excited to tell me that..."it worked! I raised my hand, and she called my name!" She also said that her teacher commented on how quiet she was(wow?!), but only inside and not on the playground, spoke about meeting new friends, standing in a single file line, obeying her teacher, counting to 100(?) and was excited about making/receiving her "blue ribbon" for a super kindergarten day & behavior!
Poor thing, she was so tired after her 1st day at a new schedule(up at 6:30am), but would not admit to it...she just kept saying, "I just love school so much!"
Let's hope it stays this way!
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