I will always cherish that phone call from my cousin Jessica who asked if the girls wanted a trampoline. It was used, but in good condition and she was willing to bring it and help put it together with her boyfriend Joe. The girls were so excited to find out the surprise and watched from our bedroom window.
...oh yeah, and the static hair was the best
Hailey entered an art show. The proceeds went to an animal shelter.
Hailey got to bring this teddy bear home from school for the weekend
The girls and I got ready for their first experience at the downtown St Patrick's Day parade. We must have walked for miles and pushing a stroller through the crowd was not fun to say the least, but we made it. Hailey was more excited about wearing her multi-colored hair piece than the color green. They both enjoyed getting their faces painted, trying caramel apples for the first time, which started Hailey's first loose tooth.
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