Well, today was definitely one of those days that you wish never happened! Friday, Dec 12, 2012 around 10:00am, I was in Buchanan, heading to see one of my sweet patients...in my 2 rental car in 2 months(roll eyes) when a deer decided to implant it's face in the left headlight. I've had a few close calls before, but never have I hit a deer! Actually that still goes, cause this one hit me! Anyway, thankful that my car was still driveable and for full coverage insurance! My patient was nice enough to excuse me to handle this event with insurance, claims, enterprise & berglund...good grief.
Enterprise wanted to charge me, but thankful they just decided to give me another rental for my safety.
As the day went on, the soreness and stiffness set in...as well is the tears. CNN was on everyone's tv and couldn't help but hear about the elementary school shooting in CT...those poor little innocent babies and their families! I could've cared less at that point about my day. I just wanted to get home to my babies and hug them! There no other love like the love you have for your children....
They love making faces....
And I love their little faces!
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