Ever since Friday, my sweet Lindsey has not been feeling well, with watery eyes and a little discharge coming from them. No irritation or redness, just goupy stuff... Over the past few days, it has seemed to get a little worse. To make matters worse, Hailey woke up this morning only able to open one eye...great. I was able to get an appt with Dr. Cumming this morning for both girls. The Verdict: A rare case of conjuctivitis "pink eye". Hailey's was more common, but Lindsey did not have the classic symptoms and her tear ducts were infected. Equals: eye drops 2x/day plus oral anitbiotics...seriously?! Just give me the title "Mean Mommy!" Hailey is very over dramatic anyway, and now we are adding something totally new and scary. Wow...Day #1 finished with tons of screaming, tears and almost restraining, only to find out . . . tada! I didn't hurt!! YAY! Poor Lindsey got restrained in her car seat...both hands held and tipped backward, go...